By anas on Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Category: Muslim Businesses Blog

INCEIF promoting esham as an alternative to sukuk

ABDULLAH: Several years ago, we (INCEIF) formed a committee which looked at old products, or existing products, in order to try and stimulate things which could be applied in the modern era. You had a particular product which you&aposve mentioned, which came from the late 18th century from the Ottoman Empire. Would you like to give us just a little brief bit of background as to why you thought thi ABDULLAH: Several years ago, we (INCEIF) formed a committee which looked at old products, or existing products, in order to try and stimulate things which could be applied in the modern era. You had a particular product which you&aposve mentioned, which came from the late 18th century from the Ottoman Empire. Would you like to give us just a little brief bit of background as to why you thought thi
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